what is rooibos tea?
You’d be forgiven for not having heard of this South African tea, but thanks to the green needle-like leaves of...
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What is white tea?
Let's talk about white tea! Not to be confused with 'normal tea with milk', white tea is actually an incredibly...
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Afternoon Tea: How It's Consumed in Different Cultures
When you think of tea, images probably come to mind of your typical everyday brew: a nice little cup of...
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Qu’est-ce que le rooibos?
Si vous ne connaissez pas cette perle sud-africaine vous êtes pardonné, mais sachez que cette plante aux...
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weißer tee 101
Tee oder kein Tee?? Eindeutig Tee! Weißer Tee stammt von der Teepflanze „Camellia sinensis“ und ist...
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jasmine pearls 101
Tee oder kein Tee? Tee! Unser Jasmine pearls ist ein Grüntee der Teepflanze „Camellia sinensis“ und...
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oolong 101
Tee oder kein Tee?? Tee! Oolong stammt von der Teepflanze „Camellia sinensis“ und ist ein vollwertiges...
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tout savoir sur les Perles de jasmin
Thé ou pas ? Thé ! Notre thé Perles de jasmin est un thé vert issu du théier...
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tout savoir sur le thé Oolong
Thé ou pas ? Thé ! Il est issu du théier Camellia Sinensis, il fait partie de la bande !...
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The low down on Tung Ting Oolong
Tea or not tea?? Tea! It comes from the Camellia sinensis plant, making it one of the tea gang. Where...
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tout savoir sur le thé blanc
Thé ou pas ? Thé ! Le thé blanc vient du théier Camellia Sinensis, c’est un membre...
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our top summer stockists!
We all know there's nothing better than spending a beautiful summer's evening relaxing in a beer garden with friends -...
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3 things to know about white tea…..
1. White tea originates from Fujian province in China but is now grown by speciality producers around the world –...
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How to make the perfect every day cuppa
We want everyone to drink real tea and enjoy drinking real tea. So, we’ve come up with a list of...
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Chai wallahs of India
Trying to sum up the colour and excitement of India in a blog is challenging but this amazing blog has...
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Black tea and the humble camellia sinensis plant
Ever been sipping your morning cuppa and thought to yourself, “just what goes into turning the humble tea leaf into...
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Did you know..?
We love tea and we love stats, so combining the two was an obvious choice! Here’s 5 facts that you...
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Purple tea is it the new green?
Kenya tea producers grow massive quantities of black tea – more than 400 million kgs every year! For the last 25...
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Praise for our new teas!
Earlier this month we launched our 5 newest blends, we love them, you love them – it’s safe to say...
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We’ve only gone and done it again!
It’s another year and once more teapigs has come up trumps in the Great Taste Awards, with 2014 adding another...
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Rules never to break
We’ve always believed in ‘no airs, no graces’ when it comes to tea, but as a trained tea taster I...
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10 reasons why you love tea!
It started with a bit of a discussion amongst us at teapigs HQ – what is the main reason why...
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Liquorice and mint - tea of the month
Our liquorice and mint is tea of the month for July, and it makes seriously good iced tea! Check out...
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Iced teas made easy
Making fresh iced tea may be easier than you think – and you don’t really need any fancy equipment! All...
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The Foodish Boy
Our ex-teapig Alex, aka The Foodish Boy, recently spent some time in Darjeeling picking the finest first flush tea in...
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Liquorice and mint
We are loving our herbal blends this month – there’s just something about the longer days and (slightly) warmer...
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Tea of the month: silver tips
Fans of white tea rejoice! Yes, it’s the time again, our silver tips white is tea of the month. We...
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Drink Real tea
Have you heard of our real tea mission? It’s a simple premise really – we want to save people from...
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Louise talks matcha!
Matcha matcha matcha, what is it all about? teapigs organic matcha was first launched in Selfridges in 2009, whilst matcha...
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world tea championships WINNER!
Entering competitions, of any type really, are a bit of a leap of faith. You’re counting on the judges or...
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Christmas shop is a go go!
We can hear the distant sounds of jingle bells. People are unearthing their festive jumpers from the back of the...
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Tea of the month: Spiced Winter Red
We always get a tiny bit excited when spiced winter is our tea of the month, cos that can mean...
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we have new teas!
Have you heard?! We’ve got two brand new teas that have just launched today! Lots of hard work and effort...
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New teapigs blends
Next week, something very exciting is going to happen. For the first time in four years (has it really been...
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tea of the month: yerba
October brings nice crunchy leaves, the ability to wear super cosy scarves in the office, TWO teapigs birthdays, Halloween...
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Bulk buy deals
We know you die hard teapigs fan cannot do without your favourite cuppa each day – and rightly so, the...
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Healthy black tea
First and foremost, we love our black teas for their taste. As you probably know, we are all about finding...
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Tea of the month: Lemon & Ginger
We are feeling the love for our wonderful Lemon & Ginger tea – it’s tea of the month for August!...
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rooibos berry smoothie
During the warmer months, our thoughts turn to iced teas and cooling summery drinks, especially smoothies which make a...
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iced teapigs
The sun is shining and summer has finally arrived in the teapigs office. This can mean only one thing -...
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Andrew Kojima's matcha pannacotta recipe
We’re really pleased to be able to share this fantastic matcha pannacotta recipe created by Andrew Kojima...
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Fifteen matcha smoothie
If you’re looking for a tasty healthy breakfast idea, a post workout recovery drink or just a yummy snack, why...
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Matcha martini
Making cocktails with tea is so popular these days - why not try a matcha martini the next time cocktail...
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Amazing matcha cupcakes
Super fab teapigs stockist the Cheltenham Coffee Co have been getting into the swing of matcha may by baking up...
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Matcha latte
The next time a latte craving strikes, why not give a matcha latte a go? They are tasty and comforting...
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Hey Little Matcha Cupcake
Our friends over at Hey Little Cupcake in Manchester have been baking up a storm, using matcha! These cupcakes look...
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Chris Wright loves matcha
Chris Wright, Warwickshire and England Lions cricketer and mega fan of teapigs has been trying our matcha over the last...
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1 month matcha challenge with sport
I do a ton of sport, and much like Neal (the other blogger and Matcha fan!) I have been getting...
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