7 ways to have matcha!
Matcha is a true super hero amongst teas... it's made from 100% green tea leaves from Japan and one cup...
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matcha blondies recipe
What with the return of everyone’s favourite baking show this month, we’re ALL about the cakes...although, let's...
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how to make an iced teapop
What could be more perfect on a hot summer's day than a refreshing teapop? That's right..nothing! Ignore the sound of...
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Iced matcha latte recipe | teapigs
What with the official arrival of summer, we thought we’d share one of our favourite summer drinks with you all...
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matcha juices
Straight from The Book of Matcha and perfect on a hot summer’s day, we had a helping hand from the...
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Matcha lemonade & matcha mint iced tea
Matcha is a super hero amongst teas (more about that, here) and we LOVE how versatile it is. Here are...
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earl grey martini
Tea + cocktails = a match made in heaven for us... and summer is the perfect excuse to spend your...
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Matcha yoghurt ice lollies
With summer finally here, we’ve had to find a few alternative ways to get our daily matcha dose. Iced matcha...
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teapigs quinoa salad with matcha chilli dressing
Quinoa salad with matcha chilli dressing A quick, light and super tasty quinoa salad with a matcha twist! Serves 4...
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spiced winter red tea upside down cake | teapigs
If you’re in the mood for some festive baking then you’re in luck, as we’ve got a fab recipe for...
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matcha gnocchi recipe | teapigs
Matcha gnocchi with sage and orange sauce The thought of making our own gnocchi was a little daunting at first,...
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why alcoholic tea is the new summer drink
goodbye sangria, hello summer punch We’ve been having a good old think about what makes the great British summertime...
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matcha pancakes rezept
Liebst du Matcha? Liebst du Pancakes? Dann hast du definitiv Glück, denn heute geben wir dir ein supereinfaches Rezept...
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La matcharita
Composée de tequila, de sel et de citron vert, la Margarita est un grand classique des cocktails… Mais qui...
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matcha pancakes
Vous aimez le Matcha ? Vous aimez les pancakes ? Et bien c’est votre jour de chance, car aujourd’hui on...
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Les teapops teapigs
Pendant les chaudes journées d’été, quoi de mieux qu’une glace ? Une teapop bien...
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5 iced tea recipes that refresh and revitalise
When the evenings are lighter and the days are warmer, it can only mean one thing: summer is here! It’s...
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Des teashakes en 2 temps 3 mouvements !
* Roulement de tambour s’il vous plait * On vous présente officiellement nos nouveaux meilleurs amis : les...
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Tee Cocktails einfach selber machen
So sehr wir eine gute Tasse Tee lieben, sind wir uns auch bewusst, dass du manchmal einfach etwas Stärkeres brauchst....
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How to make iced tea | teapigs
Super easy, real, freshly brewed iced teas Forget those sugary, bottled iced teas you might have tried before. Freshly...
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3 simple Sirtfood matcha breakfasts
We love breakfast, and we love matcha – so it seemed a no brainer to incorporate our daily dose of...
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matcha pancakes | teapigs
Love matcha? Love pancakes? Well you’re definitely in luck, as today we’re bringing you a super simple recipe...
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tea infused gingerbread cake
Our weekly tradition in the office revolves around cake – and lots of it! Apart from the humble biscuit, there...
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How to create a tea latte at home
Tea lovers rejoice, your time has come! The latte is no longer the sole reserve of coffee aficionados. All of...
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Simple ways to drink matcha
It’s no secret that we love all things matcha – but at first glance, we know it can be slightly...
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how to make teashakes in 6 simple steps!
*drumroll please * May we formally introduce you to your new best friend - the teapigs milkshake or ‘teashake’...
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how to make tea cocktails
As much as we love a good cuppa, we are more than aware that sometimes you just need something a...
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how to make iced tea in 5 easy steps
Now, if you’re not particularly sold on the old wives' tale that hot tea cools you down in summer, then...
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Les recettes cocktails teapigs
Même si nous aimons plus que tout déguster une bonne tasse de thé… nous savons que parfois, vous...
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spiced winter snowman biscuits by Frances Quinn
The great thing about Christmas drawing nearer, is the fact we can unashamedly drink our favourite festive brew, spiced...
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That’s right, tea AND booze - truly the Beyoncé and Jay Z of the beverage world. Our tea temples contain...
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Mische es mit einem teapigs teeshake auf!
*Trommelwirbel bitte* Dürfen wir dich deinem neuen besten Freund vorstellen - der teapigs Milchshake oder kurz gesagt...
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Yerba mate health benefits
First things first - tea taster Louise informs us it's pronounced 'yerba ma-tey'. But we're a pretty easy going bunch,...
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6 ways tea can keep you cool….(yes, really!)
Tea might not be the first thing that springs to mind when it resembles a furnace outside, but trust us...
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instantly up your drinking game this summer...
It’s getting hot in here – so rather than take off all your clothes, why not make some amazing summer...
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Frances Quinn's matcha mug cakes
Tea for two and two for matcha tea and mug cakes! These bakes are a fun and delicious way of...
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teapigs super einfach eistees
Vergiss die zuckerhaltigen, abgefüllten Eistees, die du vermutlich schon mal probiert hast. Frisch...
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teapigs le thé glacé
Oubliez les vilains thés glacés tout prêts, teapigs vous emmène dans une nouvelle galaxie : celle...
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matcha porridge by frances quinn
As well as being packed full of antioxidants, matcha powder is a great way to incorporate both vitamins and eye-catching...
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How to make the perfect matcha latte
We'll let you into a little secret - our favourite way to enjoy matcha has to be as a latte....
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Baking with matcha!
Henrietta from Clean Cakes has become a firm favourite of ours at teapigs HQ – she kindly whipped up some...
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baking with spiced winter red tea!
The lovely Henrietta from Hen's Clean Cakes was kind enough to make us some absolutely stunning chai cakes for our...
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Bara Brith recipe from Fenella Smith!
It’s probably no surprise to you, that we at teapigs love a good mug – we spend roughly 77% of...
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