The sun is shining and summer has finally arrived in the teapigs office. This can mean only one thing  - iced tea! We thought we'd share our favourite recipes with you, which means you can enjoy the benefits and taste of your favourite tea, but as a refreshing cold drink. It's 100% natural and contains less than 3 calories – so super healthy!

how we make them

pop your tea temple in to a jug or glass – 1 per person

cover with hot water

leave to brew for 3 minutes plus

top up with cold water and ice

if you fancy, add some fresh fruit, berries, ginger or mint leaves - for extra oomph and prettiness

enjoy… it’ll be delicious

 our favourites

super fruit – with fresh red berries (and some passion fruit if you want to be really fancy)

liquorice and mint – straight up – this one is punchy and refreshingly sweet as it is

lemon and ginger – with lemons, limes and some extra ginger

darjeeling early grey – with a slice of lemon

mao feng green tea – with cucumber, mint and lemon

little tips 

All of these things work a treat to bring out the flavours in our whole leaf teas… give them a go and see what you like best! We think that adding a squeeze of orange, lemon or lime works wonders in bringing out the flavours of the teas. You could try adding some passionfruit (our favourite) or some fresh mint and crushed berries. For those of you with a sweet tooth, a bit of honey is great to add to the iced tea to sweeten it up. If you're looking for something more exciting, why not add a splash of your favourite tipple...