neal's triathlon diary part 2
Triathlete and teapigs fan Neal has recently took on the matcha challenge and has been taking it for three weeks...
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Magic matcha
Rowing gals and teapigs fans Laura and Annabel (The Coxless Rowers) are gearing up for their Pacific Ocean row which...
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Sporty people love matcha
Matcha can be a really great addition to anyone’s daily routine but has proved especially popular with sports and...
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Neal's triathlon diary part 1
When triathlete fan Neal contacted teapigs hq a few weeks ago asking about green tea and the benefits of EGCG...
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matcha for running
As a seasoned runner and now training for my second half marathon and second marathon (eeek!), I know all too...
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super healthy matcha
Chances are you’ll have heard on the grape-vine that green tea is pretty darn healthy. But why is that exactly?...
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matcha and energy
We hear time and time again how matcha helps people with their energy levels, and it’s probably the main reason...
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hot matcha
Matcha is so versatile, that’s one of the reasons why we love it. But did you know, the traditional way...
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matcha and slimming
Lots of people first dip their toe into the world of matcha when making a change to become healthier and...
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try matcha cold
Have you tried matcha cold yet? It may look very green and scary but for a speedy green tea hit...
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Skin, hair and nails with magic matcha
The University of Alabama have been hard at work studying green tea and have found out something very interesting. The...
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matcha and exams
You know that feeling… sense of dread, raising panic? It can mean only one thing! Exam season! But the next...
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we love matcha
As well as bringing amazing quality super healthy matcha green tea to the people of the UK and beyond, and...
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iced teas
I think Spring has finally sprung? It’s a gloomy but thankfully mild day here at teapigs hq in Pump Alley...
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A very special tea
We think our silver tips tea is pretty special – for just two hours a day for just two weeks...
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Pope drinks yerba mate
Well that makes me feel better about my 3 cups in a morning habit but then I guess I always...
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Drink real tea
Die hard teapigs fans up and down the country (and all over the world!) have been uniting and joining our...
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Matcha praise
We love our matcha – so much so that we want to shout it from the roof tops! But, we...
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Science tells us Rooibos is great...
…as if it was something us teapigs didn’t already know! Research from studies in Japan and Germany have...
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tea news
Everyone knows we’re tea nuts so when we read some research* that confirmed our belief that most British people feel...
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how to make a decent cuppa
The number of times we have been asked how you make a decent brew is many… so here it is...
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christmas shop now open
Now November is upon us, Christmas really is just around the corner and the teapigs Christmas shop is open for...
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Blog reviews
We’ve received two reviews recently from some tea loving bloggers, first up Lebinh from The Food Connoisseur’s...
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Mission accepted
We asked, and you delivered! teapigs fans have been signing up to our mission petition, pledging their support for real...
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teapigs reviews
Ever been curious to try something new from teapigs and not been really sure if it will be your cup...
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Mission Petition
We are a nation of tea drinkers, whether it’s the morning cup of everyday brew to get the day started,...
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try your teapigs teas iced!
Iced teas are a great way to keep healthy and hydrated this summer. We’re not talking about the fakey sugary...
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Top of The Crops
I have been set free with my tea tasting spoon and have selected some super super super (you get the...
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healthy brew
As we say on all our brewing instructions, infuse in boiling water for at least 3 minutes. Don’t rush –...
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Whether you like it sweet and super milky or ‘au naturel’, this time of year is perfect for chai. Traditionally...
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Hand rolled Dragon Pearls
If those of you who have tried our very special jasmine pearl green tea wondered whether each little pearl (known...
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