First and foremost, we love our black teas for their taste. As you probably know, we are all about finding quality tea from really good tea estates and combined with the expert blending of our tea taster Louise, this ensures all our teas are tasty and top-notch.

But! Added bonus! Did you know that black tea is also pretty darn healthy? We glug cups and cups of the stuff all day, from that first cup of every day brew in the mornings right up to the afternoon’s signature Darjeeling earl grey (with some chai’s and chilli chai’s and chocolate flakes in there for good measure) and its pretty good to know that the humble black tea leaf has some great benefits.

Here’s a few!

Soothes away stress

Full of antixoidants

May help block the absorption of fat

Contains lots of vitamins and minerals such as B2 and magnesium

Can help boost the immune system

Tannins and polyphenols can help improve dental health

So, the next time you pop the kettle on and get brewing your teapigs black tea, it’s nice to remember you’re doing a little something for your health too. Hurrah!