tea and cakes at the South West Fest
I, teapig Hayley, got to run a stall at the annual Pimlico South West Fest Gala day this weekend, with...
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My week at teapigs
So last week I worked at the incredible teapigs as a part of my work experience. It has been one...
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teapigs tea in Poland
It seems Polish people love their tea (or “herbata”) – they rank as the second highest tea consumers in...
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Rude health
Exciting times, our friends over at Rude Health have launched their first ever range of dairy free drinks. Their oat,...
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we love iced tea
Here at teapigs hq, we love nothing more than a jug of freshly made iced tea on a warm afternoon....
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matcha iced
Matcha fans! Did you know that matcha is perfect iced too? It’s so easy to make and is delicious on...
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world sauntering day
We’ve waited for it all year, but wait no more - today is World Sauntering day! Yes, that’s right –...
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Roaring Twenties Afternoon tea
I think I’m still a little full from my recent trip to Harvey Nichols for their Roaring Twenties Afternoon tea...
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Win with madebyhandonline.com
We’ve got a very special giveaway to launch on the blog today. We know you tea fans love to see...
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Matcha everywhere!
We can’t get enough of this super powered green tea here at teapigs, but there are still many people in...
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Traditional matcha tea ceremony in Japan
So I have recently returned from a whirl wind of a trip to Tokyo, Japan. If you have never been,...
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Hog Roast cafe
Last Sunday saw the grand opening of The Hog Roast Café in Oxfordshire. This eco friendly café will be open...
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We love kew gardens
We are lucky enough to have the glorious Kew Gardens just down the road from teapigs hq and it really...
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Chris Wright's matcha may
If you’ve been following the teapigs blog throughout wonderful matcha may, you’ll have spotted that we are super...
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tea in france
When you work for a tea company (Brentford’s best tea company in fact) and love all things tea – this...
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teapigs in Hong Kong
Our teapigs distributors, Simon & Dan are doing a great job to spread our teapigs tea in mainland China! They are...
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Teapigs iced tea workshop
A few weeks ago we were lucky to be treated to an iced tea workshop by teapigs Hayley. We were...
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iced teapigs
The sun is shining and summer has finally arrived in the teapigs office. This can mean only one thing -...
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Matcha oreo Cheesecake
For a great, tasty pud, give teapig Tori’s matcha oreo cheesecakes a whirl! Yummy :)
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Lamb matcha pie
Ever thought about using matcha in a savoury dish? It’s fab, teapig Tori has used it to make a lamb...
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granary matcha twist bread recipe
Give teapig Tori’s granary matcha twist bread a try! It’s delicious!
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matcha, banana & rhubarb muffins
Thank you to everyone that entered our matcha cookery competition – we’ve seen lots of yummy baked matcha...
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Andrew Kojima's matcha pannacotta recipe
We’re really pleased to be able to share this fantastic matcha pannacotta recipe created by Andrew Kojima...
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Fifteen matcha smoothie
If you’re looking for a tasty healthy breakfast idea, a post workout recovery drink or just a yummy snack, why...
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matcha loaf cake
Matcha makes for a great ingredient in baking – we all loved this matcha loaf cake that we spotted on...
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magic freebies hq loves teapigs
Hi fellow tea aficionados! I’m Anushka, content editor for www.MagicFreebiesUK.co.uk, the UK’s biggest freebie...
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Matcha baking with Jo Pratt
Lovely chef and friend of teapigs Jo Pratt has been getting into the Matcha May spirit by creating a super...
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Matcha martini
Making cocktails with tea is so popular these days - why not try a matcha martini the next time cocktail...
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Amazing matcha cupcakes
Super fab teapigs stockist the Cheltenham Coffee Co have been getting into the swing of matcha may by baking up...
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Come dine me me - matcha style!
A few weeks ago my housemates and I decided to host a set of ‘Come Dine With Me’ style dinner...
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Matcha the day
The tears may have dried but the empty feeling will take some time to subside as the Mighty Bees lost...
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Matcha latte
The next time a latte craving strikes, why not give a matcha latte a go? They are tasty and comforting...
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Hey Little Matcha Cupcake
Our friends over at Hey Little Cupcake in Manchester have been baking up a storm, using matcha! These cupcakes look...
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Chris Wright loves matcha
Chris Wright, Warwickshire and England Lions cricketer and mega fan of teapigs has been trying our matcha over the last...
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1 month matcha challenge with sport
I do a ton of sport, and much like Neal (the other blogger and Matcha fan!) I have been getting...
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neal's triathlon diary part 2
Triathlete and teapigs fan Neal has recently took on the matcha challenge and has been taking it for three weeks...
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Magic matcha
Rowing gals and teapigs fans Laura and Annabel (The Coxless Rowers) are gearing up for their Pacific Ocean row which...
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Sporty people love matcha
Matcha can be a really great addition to anyone’s daily routine but has proved especially popular with sports and...
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Chris Wright and matcha
We are very excited at teapigs to have joined forces with tea fan and cricketing star Chris Wright! Already a...
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Neal's triathlon diary part 1
When triathlete fan Neal contacted teapigs hq a few weeks ago asking about green tea and the benefits of EGCG...
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matcha for running
As a seasoned runner and now training for my second half marathon and second marathon (eeek!), I know all too...
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Brentford Market
We’ve always thought Brentford was pretty brilliant – as well as being home to the best tea company...
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super healthy matcha
Chances are you’ll have heard on the grape-vine that green tea is pretty darn healthy. But why is that exactly?...
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matcha and energy
We hear time and time again how matcha helps people with their energy levels, and it’s probably the main reason...
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hot matcha
Matcha is so versatile, that’s one of the reasons why we love it. But did you know, the traditional way...
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matcha and slimming
Lots of people first dip their toe into the world of matcha when making a change to become healthier and...
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try matcha cold
Have you tried matcha cold yet? It may look very green and scary but for a speedy green tea hit...
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she runs windsor
We’ve just had a brilliant weekend down in Windsor for the Suns Runs 10k and expo. teapigs Hannah and myself...
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