matcha and exams

matcha and exams

You know that feeling… sense of dread, raising panic? It can mean only one thing! Exam season! But the next...
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Astell Foundation

Astell Foundation

teapigs have recently supplied some of our peppermint tea samples to the Astell Foundation – they are carrying out...
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we love matcha

we love matcha

 As well as bringing amazing quality super healthy matcha green tea to the people of the UK and beyond, and...
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matcha may

matcha may

Matcha May – it’s here! After lots and lots of planning and excitement in the teapigs office, and today marks...
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teapigs garden

teapigs garden

teapigs head packer and green-finger guru Reggie has been prepping the teapigs garden in time for summer. Last year saw...
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iced teas

iced teas

I think Spring has finally sprung? It’s a gloomy but thankfully mild day here at teapigs hq in Pump Alley...
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teapigs tv

teapigs tv

Did you know you'll find teapigs tv on youtube? We've got lots of handy videos over there that explain why...
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In Bruges!

In Bruges!

I popped across The Channel this weekend and spent a few days in the Medieval Belgian town of Bruges.  As...
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a nice cup of tea

a nice cup of tea

Did you see Victoria Wood’s absolutely fantastic programme about tea last night? We loved her beautiful, amusing and...
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Drink real tea

Drink real tea

Die hard teapigs fans up and down the country (and all over the world!) have been uniting and joining our...
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tea news

tea news

Everyone knows we’re tea nuts so when we read some research* that confirmed our belief that most British people feel...
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it's a mystery

it's a mystery

Do you think youself a bit of a Poirot, Sherlock Holmes or even an Inspector Morse...? Then we need you...
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for the fact lovers

for the fact lovers

Interesting tea facts: Other than tourism, tea is the biggest industrial activity in India. Tea absorbs odours really well....
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Iced teapigs

Iced teapigs

The festive flow of the Christmas party left a couple of teapigs feeling slightly bleary eyed on Friday as we...
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Starting up

Starting up

A few of you have been asking about how we came about and how we financed teapigs. It was an...
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Cocoa Boutique

Cocoa Boutique

We’ve always thought tea and chocolate were the perfect mix, and now we have yet another excuse to indulge! The...
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Postage changes

Postage changes

 We are always trying to improve our service and have made a few changes to our UK postage system which...
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