matcha may
Matcha May – it’s here! After lots and lots of planning and excitement in the teapigs office, and today marks...
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teapigs ethical scheme
When teapigs was launched nearly 7 years ago we wanted to be able to put back something into tea growing...
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teapigs garden
teapigs head packer and green-finger guru Reggie has been prepping the teapigs garden in time for summer. Last year saw...
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Join the coxless rowers
teapigs matcha fans and all round amazing rowing ladies Annabel and Laura (otherwise known as The Coxless Rowers) are...
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Mandragora in Finland
Residents of Finand (or anyone popping over there on your hols) can now stock up on teapigs at the Mandragora...
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teapigs tv
Did you know you'll find teapigs tv on youtube? We've got lots of handy videos over there that explain why...
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In Bruges!
I popped across The Channel this weekend and spent a few days in the Medieval Belgian town of Bruges. As...
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a nice cup of tea
Did you see Victoria Wood’s absolutely fantastic programme about tea last night? We loved her beautiful, amusing and...
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Chai tea helps Frank Water
We’re pleased to announce that with your help, last month, via our sales of chai tea, we raised £292 to...
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NEW 80g matcha tins
Calling all matcha fans! Very exciting times at teapigs hq, we have just launched our super duper shiny and new,...
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teapigs brand ambassadors
Are you a tea lover? Are you smiley, happy and love interacting with people? Then we NEED YOU! We are...
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welcome new teapig Tori
I’m three days into my new tea adventure and I am very proud to say I am now an official...
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Brentford really are brilliant
Bustling Brentford came to a grinding halt on Sunday as Current European Champions and F.A. Cup holders Chelsea came to...
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selling tea to China
China – the biggest tea growing nation in the world – what are they missing? teapigs clearly! Luckily for the...
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Fermentation - what is it and what does it do...
Green , white, oolong, black tea – the difference is all in the fermentation! First things first – the tea...
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it's a mystery
Do you think youself a bit of a Poirot, Sherlock Holmes or even an Inspector Morse...? Then we need you...
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for the fact lovers
Interesting tea facts: Other than tourism, tea is the biggest industrial activity in India. Tea absorbs odours really well....
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a visit to teapigs
Hello everyone, my name is Melina and I’m study at Brentford School For Girls. On Monday 17th of December my...
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Iced teapigs
The festive flow of the Christmas party left a couple of teapigs feeling slightly bleary eyed on Friday as we...
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Starting up
A few of you have been asking about how we came about and how we financed teapigs. It was an...
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have we finally made it?
We’ve been in the press quite a lot lately which always brings a lot of excitement, squealing and big grins...
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Come and Try our Christmas Tea
Whilst you’re out and about traipsing the cold streets of London for those elusive Christmas presents, ("ooh crikey...
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a new home for Nailah
Us teapigs are big animal lovers (apart from Sofia who prefers to keep her distance from Harvey!) and this weekend...
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hyde park winter wonderland
As the old song goes, it’s beginning to look at lot like Christmas and for me that means eggnog, Delia’s...
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Cocoa Boutique
We’ve always thought tea and chocolate were the perfect mix, and now we have yet another excuse to indulge! The...
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Postage changes
We are always trying to improve our service and have made a few changes to our UK postage system which...
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Country living and Bbc good food shows
Its show time again this week for the teapiggers, so pop down and see us for some fab deals on...
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movember and teapigs
So Movember comes just once a year and is a great chance for everyone to raise a bit of money...
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off to the slopes we go
Attention all skiers! Our lovely friends at Kaluma Ski are offering you a 10% discount* on their gorgeous chalets this...
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teapigs at the tea and coffee festival
It’s a super cold day on London’s Southbank, but that’s not stopping teapig Amy and brand ambassador Ceri...
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thanks amie (aka our tea super hero!)
We’re feeling very lucky to be working in the teapigs office today cause Amie has just made us all a...
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Visit teapigs at the Spirit of Christmas
We are once again exhibiting at the Spirit of Christmas fair at Olympia and would love to see you down...
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Hello from our newest teapig
Hello! I’m the new “other” Amy. Although spelt differently from Amie, this has proved not to...
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A little bit of home on holiday
As the wind and rain arrives we are in no doubt that Winter is just round the corner. For most...
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Come and work with us!
Right tea lovers, teapigs are on the lookout for new brand ambassadors to represent us in the following cities: London,...
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come and work for us
Do you love Sage, numbers and tea? Would you like to be our part-time accountant? We are a small and...
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premier tea fit for the premier league
Ok, so as I’m a fan I’m a little biased – but it’s still great news that real tea is...
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Time 4 Tea
Tea and cake has always been the perfect match, but how can you improve on perfection? Tea and cake for...
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Tea and the Olympics
Watching sport can be a tense affair and sometimes only the likes of a nice big cup of Everyday Brew...
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the story of billy bookcase
Once upon a time in a small office in Ealing, teapigs was born. Nick and Louise had two desks and...
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a teapigs kind of day
We’ve been really busy trying to get teapigs stocked in some of your favourite places and thought that we’d let...
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Hayley goes T'North!
Over the last few days I've been out and about seeing some of the new and exciting places where you...
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just thing for your vintage tea party
At teapigs we're all about chic and modern mugs, teapots and infusers (check out our latest addition to the...
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globe trotting
Our special little tea temples are reaching far flung corners of the globe and more and more people are experiencing...
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tea and cake
Every proper cuppa deserves a yummy piece of cake and our friends at Sponge have got not one, not two but...
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real tea update - february 2012
January flew by but it's nice to see that some of you still had the time to join us on...
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win a luxury break with Sheepskin!
Sheepskin are kindly offering one lucky teapigs customer the chance to win a 3 night stay at cosy Hafod Glan...
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teapigs on sea
Did you know that teapigs tea crosses the English Channel up to 46 times a day? Neither did teapigs Sofia...
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