swoosh, swoosh, swoosh....
If you're a fan of the slopes then check this out - a super cool pic taken by the folk...
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real tea update...
As many of you know, our mission is to get the nation drinking real tea. Lots of you have signed up...
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welcome the newbies
Our team has grown to a whopping 13 teapigs in recent months and we thought it was about time you...
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Merry Christmas
We've had a fabulous year and would like to say a big thanks to yooooooouuuu - our wonderful lovely customers!...
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english breakfast name change
Lots of people have asked us why don’t you offer an everyday regular tea? Something that can be drunk instead...
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Z hotel launch party
The teapigs girls were out in force last night at Z Hotel's wonderful launch party. The new boutique but affordable...
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It's a Chandos Christmas
A picturesque setting, loads of food, drinks and enough Christmas ideas that even the most clueless teapig (that’s me,...
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brentford is brilliant
Hi, teapig Nicole here. As you may already know, each teapig has to raise £500 for our ethical scheme and...
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teapigs go skiing
We're spreading the real tea word one place at a time and this winter teapigs will be making it all...
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Running For Rwanda
Latest teapigs recruit Hayley added to the teapigs Rwanda fund on Sunday by completing her first ever marathon – and...
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we've got a new website
brand new www.teapigs.co.uk
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teapigs taste great
We've always know that teapigs is the best tea company in Brentford, but now we have nationwide recognition from the...
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vote for me!
We could drive around in a teapigs van with a huge mega phone hailing everyone within distance to vote for...
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