We are very excited - after a rainy few days, the word on the street is that it’s going to be 30 degrees at Pump Alley today (the home of teapigs HQ) We've got the sunnies at the ready, have slapped on the sun cream, are brewing up the iced tea and have created a super quick little matcha iced lolly for you all to try.

Armed with frozen fruit, a tin of matcha and a bit of imagination you can create some really lovely refreshing lollies that are pretty healthy too.

Feel free to adapt this any way you like, we certainly did!

We took a handful of frozen red berries (blueberries and raspberries) along with a handful of frozen tropical fruits (mango, pineapple and melon) and blended with one banana, a good glug of coconut water and 3 teaspoons of matcha. We whizzed whizzed whizzed until it was all incorporated then popped into six small lolly moulds. We waited patiently overnight and then the next day it was lolly time! No added sweeteners, no nasty ingredients, just fruity matcha yumminess :)