teapigs have joined up with Fitness Burners this summer to get us in shape! This is run by three rugby boys who have set up a personal/group training team to help people reach their health and fitness goals.
Tom, Will and Ben come to visit us once a week after work and really get us working, they set up around 10 to 12 different stations outside, then demonstrate each exercise before putting us through 3 sets, 4 if they are feeling really mean (most weeks!), by the end we are DONE, but feeling so much better than we did before we started!
After just a few weeks lots of us are feeling fitter and can manage 3 sets without giving up, teapig Laura says she is feeling firmer – these sessions definitely work! The guys are really great at showing us how to do the exercises correctly, giving us support and encouragement throughout, they are brilliant on picking up on things we are particularly good at and working with us on the things we are not so good at – we heart Tom and his Fitness Burners team!
Their website is in progress - www.fitnessburners.com, but in the meantime you can check them out on twitter - @FitnessBurners and Instagram - @fitness_burners.