Each month, we give our wonderful stockists a different theme and ask them to send us photos of how they best show off our teas. We then pick who has tagged @teapigs and used #teapigsstockist with the best picture to find our stockist of the month! Last month's theme was "ice, ice baby!” and this ace snap by The Commute Cycle Cafe showed how great teapigs teas can be for keeping you cool when serve nice and chilled. We asked them a couple of questions to find out a bit more about them so grab a cuppa and have a read...
what made you decide to choose teapigs?
We loved how ethical teapigs are! Aside from the great flavours and the choice of teas we really enjoy telling our customers about the compostable packaging and that we are on board and thinking about our future. We loved the versatility of being able to throw a great iced tea together when it gets hot.
if you could only have one teapigs tea for the rest of your life, which would you pick?
Easy question! My favourite tea is liquorice and peppermint! I love to turn people onto something different when they are stuck with what to drink. I love the mint and the liquorice comes through at the end like a lovely surprise
how did The Commute Cycle Cafe begin?
It’s been three years now and it’s amazing what we have achieved and what’s changed as we have grown with our community. The Commute was born out of a love for coffee, bikes and the sense of community that brings people together. I used to be working day to day out of my car in a pretty full on sales sale when all I wanted was to ride my bike and hang out in a great space. It’s been hard work but I think we have created a wonderful place that sees cyclist, families and everyone else come together over a great brew, especially a teapigs brew.
if we were to come by to your cafe, what’s your best seller?
Aside from our speciality coffee and our amazing teapigs tea selection, we're proud of our sandwich and smoothie selection, The vegan club seems to hit the spot for lots of our customers and it’s our smoothies that get ordered after a long ride with a hit it vegan protein. The classic homemade beans on toast goes down great with a super fruits ice tea or my favourite, teapigs liquorice and peppermint.
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