Comments have been flooding in from real tea fans who have signed our mission petition and have been saying NO to bad tea. Here's what people have been saying over the last few months:
"Drinking tea is an inherent part of British culture and one that every outlet in their entirety ought to be proud of! We ought to expect fine quality teas from ALL of these places"
"OOOooohhh. The flavour! The FLAVOUR!! (shouty capitals)"
"I'm quite new to the concept of real tea, but I am a hundred percent on board. Your tea is amazing. Thank you and keep up the good work!"
"I love real tea, it tastes much cleaner and fresher - i am always happy to find Teapigs in a cafe/coffee shop and am happy to pay extra for REAL tea!"
"I love teapigs as they are full of flavour and make that 10 minute time out even more enjoyable!"
"Will never go back to supermarket tea bags... The difference in taste is great! I don’t like being wrong but after admitting defeat and giving in to teapigs i will never look back!"
"Just tried teapigs for the first time. Cannot believe how much better it tastes. I have submitted my first order straight away."
"Tea pigs are absolutely lovely and your green tea is the only green tea I enjoy- so clear and such a pure flavour"
"I love real tea because it doesn't taste like dirt. I am not fond of dirt."
"Really wished I had discovered teapigs earlier - the flavour infusions are incredible."
"Real tea is a must! Anyone who thinks that tea bags compare, obviously has never tried proper loose leaf tea".
"I have only recently started drinking 'real' tea, but it has transformed the way I think about tea.... I can't go back now to drinking 'ordinary' tea... its just NOT the same!"
"I love the flavour, delicacy and indulgence offered by genuine leaf tea...nothing beats it! I resent paying high prices for a dusty supermarket tea bag when eating out. Not acceptable at all!"
"Simples....Real Tea = Real Flavour. (Tell the outlets people that selling quality products improves their reputation mahoosively)"
"I'm obsessed with tea!!!! It basically solves all of life's problems! Tea and haribo!!! :-)"
"Nothing is better to calm the nerves of a stressed A-level student, than a proper cup of Earl Grey. Tea Pigs are truely in a league of their own."
"Never released how good tea could be until I tried tea pigs. Can't drink anything else now."
Do you agree? Then sign up here and show your support for real tea! You'll even get a special code for a free pack of tea on your next order, result!