We recently recruited two new teapigs to join the team at our office in Brentford. We had a little chat with them to find out a bit more about their background and what they’re most looking forward to about life at teapigs. So, without further ado, let's say a big hello to Ruby (trade sales executive) and Kitty (account manager - out of home) who joined just a day apart!
what were you up to before you joined us?
ruby: I was studying business management and marketing at university (Harper Adams) in Shropshire for 4 years – I had a placement year with Chase Distillery which was really fun.
kitty: I worked for an estate agent in sales for about 4 years in South West London. I got to see some really interesting properties (both good and bad!) and met some great people along the way.
what made you apply for the role at teapigs?
ruby: During my placement year, I grew to enjoy working in the food and beverage industry so I created a spreadsheet of my favourite food and beverage companies that I would like to work for. teapigs was of course at the top so it was really exciting when an interesting role became available!
kitty: Whilst I enjoyed property, I always knew I wanted to stay in sales but sell something I really love, so I asked myself: what do I love? Tea! I felt teapigs teas were a product I could really get behind and that I believed in – not just because of the fab range of flavours, but because of the ethical and sustainable side of the company too.
what have your first few weeks with us been like?
ruby: Really good fun, with lots of inductions and information! It has been nice to learn about all aspects of the business and to get to know everyone.
kitty: It has been interesting! I've learnt so much about how we produce our teas and I have tasted more tea than ever have before! Everyone has also been so welcoming, I feel like I have joined a wholesome and friendly team with a common love of tea.
what are you most looking forward to about your role/working at teapigs?
ruby: Going to the trade shows because I’ve always found them really fun in the past and it’s interesting to see what different businesses are doing within the market. Also the free tea!
kitty: I’m really looking forward to seeing teapigs launch into my first account and that feeling of “I did that!” – I can’t wait to help get teapigs into as many cafes, restaurants, bars and hotels as possible.
what’s your favourite teapigs blend?
ruby: I’m really enjoying the lychee and rose cold brew – I've been drinking a lot of that in the recent heatwave!
kitty: Number one has to be the everyday brew because I need one every morning. But number two is the mao feng green tea – just delicious!
tell us 3 things about yourself!
ruby: I grew up on a sheep farm, I can play the piano (not very well!) and I love tea!
kitty: I know (pretty much) everything about the Titanic, I like airplane food (sorry), when I worked for a car rental company, David Schwimmer once came to rent one – it took all my strength not to bring up the whole “were they or weren’t they on a break” thing.
Fancy a job in the wonderful world of tea? Find out what roles we're currently recruiting for here.