Our #matchachallenge is in full swing, and we are super chuffed so many of you are giving it a go. What is this challenge you may ask? For those of you that don’t know, matcha is a concentrated form of green tea that has been ground down to a fine powder. It is totally bursting with goodness and makes us feel amazing. Our challenge is simple – take matcha once a day for 14 days and see how you feel. Thousands of people have started the challenge this month and we can’t wait to hear how you all get on!
Someone else that has been getting her dose of daily matcha is Nike’s Global Yoga Ambassador and friend of teapigs, the lovely Leah Kim. Leah has been keeping a matcha diary every day for 2 weeks and we are thrilled she’s been feeling the benefits!
“I drink matcha tea regularly because I love the way it makes me feel. It is the quickest, cleanest, and tastiest boost of energy you can get in a few sips, and it is the only alkalising caffeine kick you can get. I naturally love things that are good for me, so I’ve always loved green tea for its antioxidants and general health benefits. Matcha is green tea at its best and most powerful. You know all about superfoods; let’s talk about this supertea!
14 day matcha diary:
Day one: I love the ritual of preparing matcha tea. It only takes a minute or two, but the benefits last all day. Doubled up today on the antioxidants: matcha with half a teaspoon of manuka honey. Divine.
Day two: I decided to go purist today. Just matcha, nothing added. Calm yet energised.
Day three: Dropped a couple ice cubes into my matcha today. Best iced tea ever!
Day four: Going pure matcha tea again today. A quick espresso-like shot to start my day as a working mama.
Day five: I’ve got everything I need for matcha on-the-go. Traveling through Asia with my matcha kit. It’s a big serving of just matcha today to hopefully keep away the jet lag!
Day six: His and hers matcha! Matcha and manuka honey. Pretty delicious pairing.
Day seven. Half way through the challenge! Winding down this evening with a matcha latte sweetened with manuka honey. So good it tastes like a dessert.
Day eight: Matcha latte, not sweetened tonight. Although caffeinated, matcha does not keep me awake at night. Just enough of a mental boost so I can enjoy a quiet evening. It’s magic.
Day nine: Matcha latte again, this time with warm, frothed milk. Cozy goodness.
Day ten: Straight up matcha tea for my afternoon cuppa. I love knowing I’m consuming the actual tea and all its goodness.
Day eleven: Tried come cold pressed apple juice with my matcha today. Such a treat.
Day twelve: Going strong with a double shot matcha tea as I start my day, planning the year ahead. Really clears my head.
Day thirteen: Another matcha manuka latte. This is becoming a favourite!
Day Fourteen: Last day of the challenge! Pre workout and yoga practice it’s all about the pure matcha. No matter how tired and lazy I may have felt, this does the trick to set me up for an energetic workout.”
Thanks to Leah for taking the challenge, we are really craving matcha and manuka honey now! Want to get involved? Its not too late to start your own #matchachallenge! Buy matcha during January to take part, and dont forget to use the discount code MATCHA15 when ordering.