The teapig Christmas gift shop has been unveiled and people are starting to get all those little treats ordered in time for the big day. The kettle has not stopped boiling at teapigs hq as we’ve all be making ourselves mug after mug of spiced winter red tea and as the temperature has well and truly dropped here over Pump Alley, it really really is beginning to feel a lot like Christmas :)
To get ourselves into that christmas spirit, I asked some of the teapigs what their favourite thing about the festive season is and here’s what they said!
Nicole - what I REALLY love at Christmas is wrapping up in big scarf, hat & gloves and wandering around London in the evening seeing the Christmas Lights. And coleslaw!
Amy - Christmas markets (Germany style ones) and those crappy nativity scene people insist on putting up in their homes (I love them. The crappier the better!)
Hayley - am I allowed to say all the parties? If not, fairy lights. I love all the fairy lights :)
Sofia - 2 sorts of homemade pasta followed by roast dinner ;)
Valerie - A real fire in the chimney…. And the smell of burnt logs the next morning!
Laura - Christmas stocking!
Rosie - It being acceptable to eat Terry’s chocolate orange all the time
Nick - Bubble and squeak and all the cold meat leftovers with pickles on Boxing day (and days after)
James - That feeling after a full cooked Christmas breakfast, ridiculous portions of Christmas dinner, booze at every occasion knowing you’ve still got tea to go! (Usually left overs from dinner with cheese and biscuits) A mix of feeling full, sleepy & happy!
Hannah- two salt dough wall hangings that I made one evening at home with my dad when I was 9! We hang them on the kitchen wall every Christmas (see picture of my cat one above!)
Louise - Christmas cake... Marzipan and icing. Yum!
And I (teapig Becky) have got to say – eggnog and Muppets Christmas Carol.
Can I also add to the list: It’s a Wonderful Life, hot chai lattes, MINCE PIES, tinsel, Michael Buble, wellies in the snow, panto and bucks fizz?! This has got to be the best time of year, we are so excited for it all!