We’ve been having lots of fun so far this summer experimenting with tea cocktails! We think tea is the must have ingredient for tasty drinkies this year and it’s so easy to turn your favourite brew into something special.

Inspired by the lovely folk over at Hope and Greenwood, we’ve made up a batch or earl grey vodka, perfect for a martini or two!

First, get your earl grey vodka started. Take a bottle of vodka and add the leaves of one Darjeeling earl grey tea temple and a sprinkle of sugar. Now, you need to exercise some patience here – the vodka needs at last two weeks to infuse! Pop in the fridge and let it do its thing.

14 days later and the vodka is ready to use! Strain the tea leaves out and pour back into the bottle. You can now use this for a whole world of different tasty cocktails or as a cheeky thimbleful on its own.

To make an earl grey martini pour 2 tablespoons of earl grey vodka into a cocktail shaker with 2 tablespoons of sugar syrup and a generous squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Shake with ice and pour into a martini glass. As Hope and Greenwood would say, top notch!