What better to get you in the mood to boogie than our matcha juice drinks! Our brand ambassador Jenny was at the Danceworks dance studio Open day this past weekend handing out free drinks to everyone. This was to celebrate Danceworks' involvement in the matcha challenge - for the last two weeks of January, 5 members of the Danceworks team took part in the challenge which was to take matcha everyday for 2 weeks. Matcha is naturally high in an amino acid called L-theanine, which as well as activating brain waves and increasing focus, also slows the release of matcha's natural caffeine content; making it last for up to 5 or 6 hours! This makes it the perfect companion for anything from ballet to an impromptu dance break in public.
See what Joseph from Danceworks said about our lovely matcha below:
"The staff at Danceworks were generously offered to take part in the teapigs matcha challenge, giving us a choice of Apple, Grapefruit & Elderflower flavours, or a choice of using the raw matcha powder.
As far as flavours go, I personally like the Elderflower the most; it felt like a drink in its own right. It's true what they say though: green tea really does give you that healthy boost. And teapigs is no exception. In fact, for the sake of argument, try replacing your first morning coffee with a green tea (any old green tea, really, but the added bonus with teapigs juice drinks is that it's already ready to drink). You'll still get that pick-me-up you want first thing in the morning, just not as abrasively. That wake-up boost comes in the form of a smooth rise to a fresh start to the day.
I usually start work later in the day, around 5:30pm, and a good dose of Teapigs is more than enough to fuel that much needed second wind. Thank you Teapigs for giving us the chance to properly try this new product! I'm hooked! No more gutless juices out of a box for me!”
Thanks to Danceworks for taking part in our matcha challenge – be sure to check them out here and pay them a visit, you can even buy our matcha drinks in their café!