We have supported the Noel Orphanage in Gisenyi, Rwanda since we launched teapigs 8 years ago. The orphanage used to sit opposite the tea plantation from which we source a lot of the tea for our everyday brew. The Rwandan government’s reunification policy has been aiming for a number of year to place the children in the country’s many orphanages back in to their communities and now all of the orphanages are closed or closing.
Whilst this is happy news for many orphans who have found new homes, there’s still lots of work to be done to help support the children themselves and the families and communities that give them a home. There’s also little support for disabled children in Rwanda and we’re working with the Point Foundation to help in both these areas.
The biggest problems facing these children and young adults are; being placed in homes that struggle to support them; being considered the head of house (in the case of older children) and becoming responsible for supporting younger relatives at too early an age and living with disabilities.
Here’s how we’re helping the Point Foundation:
sponsoring students
Our donations help fund students through university (fees and accommodation) and put young adults who missed out back in to education. We’re helping to liff the financial burden but give them hope for a prosperous future. We’re sponsoring 22 students and will keep you updated on their progress!
disability program
Our support goes towards the housing, day to day care and specialist disability care for disabled orphans who can’t be re-housed. The Point Foundation are in the process of purchasing dedicated housing and specialist care for these children to ensure they have a long term care solution.
It’s a really busy and complicated time in Rwanda at the moment, and the Point Foundation are doing lots of great work in providing day to day care for vulnerable young people and working with the government to build more long term solutions. We’ll be sure to keep you updated as often as possible on their progress and how your donations are helping… and they really are helping. THANK YOU for your continued support!